
Web Search Tips

  1. Keep it simple.
    • Start with a simple search like president.
    • You can add more descriptive words later if you do not find what you are looking for.
  2. Use web friendly words.
    • Search for words that are more likely to be used on a website.
    • For example, use tuition instead of price or charges
  3. Don't worry about the little things.
    • Spelling is automatically checked by Google's spell checker.
    • Capitalization does not matter for searches.
    • Most punctuation is ignored when searching.
  4. Restrict your search to a specific UF domain.
    • Restricting your search can return more relevant results.
    • For example, to return only links to the Office of the President website about President Fuchs you can search:
      fuchs site:president.ufl.edu



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Student (requires GatorLink authentication)


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Morgan Proctor
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UF Directories

  • Calendar of Events
  • Colleges & Schools
  • Libraries
  • Organizational Index
  • Web Site Listing

Other Directories

  • American Universities
  • 自由伔安卓版中文版
  • Community Colleges
  • Florida Board of Governors
  • Florida Government
  • International Universities

Note: Any solicitation of business, information, contributions or other response from individuals listed in this website by mail, telephone, or other means is forbidden.

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